Thursday, November 11, 2010

Passing Balanchine on to the next ballet generation, in the studio and on tape

Violette Verdy, ISB Artistic Advisor and frequent master teacher, is featured in a Los Angeles Times article printed November 9. Click on the link below for Susan Reiter's account of a unique masterclass presented in New York at Lincoln Center and digitally taped by the George Balanchine Foundation for the Interpreters Archive. The Interpreters Archive will include edited tapes of Balanchine's ballets and extended interviews with the veteran dancers who participated. They are available to dancers and scholars in 70 libraries worldwide. Libraries near to Indianapolis housing the "Archive of Lost Choreography and Interpreters Archive video tapes" are in Cincinnati, OH and Urbana, IL. A complete list can be found here.

Article link:
Passing Balanchine on to the next ballet generation, in the studio and on tape