Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall performances show growth in artistry

"This young company is growing its signature speed, vitality, beautiful lines and spot-on musicality across genres from the ground up in the tradition of Balanchine." Quoted from the October 21 issue of NUVO about the October 18th performance at Indianapolis' ArtsGarden, this statement just about says it all! The dancers have been working through the flu and we're proud of the way they have hung in there. We're also so thrilled for those who stepped in to roles on which they had not had much rehearsal time, and excelled in the process. To read the entire article visit www.nuvo.net/arts/article/ballet-beyond. Pictured here is a moment captured at the earlier Penrod performance of "Blue Metallica", choreographed on our dancers by Scott Jovovich.

Also pictured in our studios, Indiana University's Distinguished Professor of Ballet Violette Verdy came to the school and gave a terrific masterclass on September 27th.
We have several master classes in planning stages and will post that information when they are confirmed.

On October 10th, a large group from ISB traveled to Bloomington to see the Indiana University Ballet Theater present "A Diaghilev Tribute". In addition to
two versions of Balanchine's Valse Fantasie (juxtaposed in a very interesting way demonstrating the evolution of a work) and a new work by Michael Vernon, they gave a brilliant performance of the powerful Les Noces (music by Stravinsky, choreography by Nijinska). It was a wonderful field trip for our dancers, and a perfect opportunity to see some celebrated works.

This past weekend, ISB Artistic Director Victoria Lyras traveled to Philadelphia for the Pennsylvania Ballet's Gala celebrating the 30th anniversary of Artistic Director Roy Kaiser's tenure with the company. He began his career there as a dancer before taking on the Artistic Director position. Mr. Kaiser was a partner of Ms. Lyras during her career with the Pennsylvania Ballet, and now also serves on the ISB Artistic Advisory Board.

Rehearsals for The Nutcracker have begun in earnest.  You'll be able to see a preview of several pieces from Act Two at our next appearance in the lovely downtown performance space of the Indianapolis ArtsGarden (attached to the Circle Center Mall and the Conrad Hotel). This FREE program on November 22 at 3 PM, entitled Nutcracker Sweets, will showcase excerpts from the full-length ballet.

Tickets are also now on sale for our December 18-20 run of The Nutcracker at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Log onto www.indyballet.org to buy tickets. Don't wait too long, though. The best seats go fast!

Friday, September 4, 2009

NUVO Preview Hits the Newsstands

One week to go before the start of the arts season in Indianapolis! The Penrod Arts Fair signals an unofficial beginning of the performing season here in the heartland. Everyone in the arts community pops up their canopy tents and comes out to meet the people...and boy, are there people! The crowds who wander the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art that day leisurely bask in that last blast of summer. It's a sensory experience for every palate- artistic, culinary, and libational. Some folks come with real purpose- to support a favorite performer, to find something special for that spot in their garden or on their wall, or with intentions of planning for the darker evenings ahead by collecting information about everything from story telling to symphonic music.

Our ISB dancers are always excited by Penrod's enthusiastic audiences. The smiles tell all of the story. We perform at 1 PM, September 12th on the dance stage at Penrod. NUVO's September 2 Arts Guide coverage of the dance scene promises that with "Grooving Gershwin", "a corp of Indianapolis School of Ballet dancers sets this season's bar. Vitality, ingenuity, freshness leaped into the seats during a recent preview." You'll get to see that work at Penrod. Be prepared to smile back!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Indianapolis School of Ballet!

The ISB celebrated it's 3rd birthday on Friday and some of our dancers were here with us today for a bit of cake.

We have lots to look forward to this year. Classes are in full swing and rehearsals for our fall performances are already rolling.

Save the date for Violette Verdy's masterclass on September 27th from 1:00-3:00 PM. Visit our website for registration information.

And, don't miss us at Penrod Arts fair on September 12th at 1 PM!

Monday, August 17, 2009

A new season begins

It seems hard to believe, but here we are at the beginning of our fourth season! Classes for the Fall semester begin today at the Indianapolis School of Ballet. All of our wonderful faculty is returning to nurture this year's group of dancers. And, as always, enrollment is ongoing.

Yesterday, August 16th, we had a great turn-out for auditions for our third annual production of The Nutcracker. Thank you, to all the dancers who participated!

There are good things to report at ISB. The Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation awarded the ISB a terrific grant that will help the organization run smoothly and provide us with funds to keep our state-of-the-art studios in shape.

Our 6-week Summer Dance Intensive served as a source of inspiration and fun. In addition to a week with Fiona Fuerstner, both Scott Jovovich and Paul Vitali spent a couple of weeks with the dancers and choreographed works for them that will be premiered at the Penrod Festival at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on September 12 at 1 PM at the dance stage. If you can't make it then, we'll be performing those works at the Artsgarden in downtown Indianapolis on October 18 at 3 PM. That performance is FREE!

New faces have been added to the ISB family. We're happy to welcome Rebecca Rutt to the Artistic Advisory Roster. She has played a major role in classical ballet in Indianapolis and her wisdom is invaluable. We also added to the administrative team. Cathy Partlow Strauss is our new Director of Communications and Development.

Finally, we'd like to give our heartiest congratulations to our Advanced Modern Dance instructor, Mariel Greenlee. She recently received a Creative Renewal Fellowship Award from the Arts Council of Indianapolis which will afford her the opportunity to travel to Spain to study for three weeks. She begins her fifth season with Dance Kaleidoscope when she returns this Fall.

Keep visiting our website as we add new material! Photos from the May production of Coppelia will be up soon!