Friday, September 4, 2009

NUVO Preview Hits the Newsstands

One week to go before the start of the arts season in Indianapolis! The Penrod Arts Fair signals an unofficial beginning of the performing season here in the heartland. Everyone in the arts community pops up their canopy tents and comes out to meet the people...and boy, are there people! The crowds who wander the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art that day leisurely bask in that last blast of summer. It's a sensory experience for every palate- artistic, culinary, and libational. Some folks come with real purpose- to support a favorite performer, to find something special for that spot in their garden or on their wall, or with intentions of planning for the darker evenings ahead by collecting information about everything from story telling to symphonic music.

Our ISB dancers are always excited by Penrod's enthusiastic audiences. The smiles tell all of the story. We perform at 1 PM, September 12th on the dance stage at Penrod. NUVO's September 2 Arts Guide coverage of the dance scene promises that with "Grooving Gershwin", "a corp of Indianapolis School of Ballet dancers sets this season's bar. Vitality, ingenuity, freshness leaped into the seats during a recent preview." You'll get to see that work at Penrod. Be prepared to smile back!

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