Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Spring at ISB!

This time we hear from our Founding Artistic Director Victoria Lyras about our recent master class with Balanchine repetiteur Sandra Jennings.

Master Class with Sandra Jennings 

The Indianapolis School of Ballet initiated the "Dancing with the Masters" series in Indianapolis the Spring of 2008 with a generous grant from the Penrod Society. Since it’s inception, we have presented some of the most celebrated dancers, now directors and/or master teachers throughout America, to come share their knowledge and craft with students in central Indiana.
On Saturday, February 27th, the Indianapolis School of Ballet invited Sandra Jennings to initiate the 2010 Master Class series. Ms. Jennings was a dancer with New York City Ballet and is now one of the leading repetiteurs for The George Balanchine Trust staging his ballets internationally. Students and auditors alike were completely engaged experiencing a two-hour class of Balanchine technique with its detailed clarity of placement, speed and musical precision. Following class, Ms. Jennings joined the students for lunch and a lengthy discussion of her career dancing for Balanchine. We also viewed a recent video clip of her staging Balanchine’s Serenade for the Bolshoi Ballet just this February. Ms. Jennings will be returning to ISB for the first week of our Summer Intensive fro the week of June 14-18.
We look forward to our upcoming 2010 Master Class series dates with Michael Vernon, Scott Jovovich and Violette Verdy.  Michael Vernon will teach a class at our ISB studios on Sunday, May 2 from 2-4 PM.  Registration will be online shortly at
March News from ISB
We have kicked off our spring fundraiser "Raise the Barre".  Please consider joining us to raise funds for the school and our performances.  You can link to our fundraising site to sponsor a particular dancer or faculty member by clicking here.
This May 22-23, ISB presents A Midsummer Night's Dream - An Enchanted Ballet, a one-act ballet.  The first half includes three short works - Capriccio Espagnole, Dvorak Divertissements, and George Balanchine's Tarantella.   Each day the 3:00 PM matinee performances will be held at the Scottish Rite Catheral Theater.  Tickets go on sale April 5.  Visit to purchase online.

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